Giulio Vian

Giulio Vian

DevOps is multi-disciplinary, right? So here I am. From writing code to monitoring systems; from desiging application solutions to discussing company strategies.

I work in Unum, a Fortune 500 company, trying to solve a new problem each day. Speaker at international conferences, he was awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional on Azure DevOps category in the last few years.

Past Episodes

Software rotting and why you need to change your approach to security

A new phenomenon stand out in recent years: security must pervade the entire software development lifecycle. Except it isn’t. Current generation of processes and tools is lacking crucial features to properly manage modern security risks. Think of the Log4J event. Were you able to identify all affected components? Were they internally developed, or you need a vendor support? How fast you were able to deliver a fix? In this talk we’ll explore the challenges, what you can do with current tools, and which gaps should be addressed by communities through better practices and new tools.


August 18, 2022